Get the most out of your time
Reduce cancellations, late cancellations and no shows. Rebook cancellations and no shows with no future appointment
Optimise your calendar by automatically managing your DNA, cancellations and late-cancellations
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Automatically reduce cancellations and no shows
Automatically reduce cancellations and no shows
Easily reduce cancellations and no shows by automating your transactional communications with your patients
Reduce potential late arrivals, late cancellations and cancellations by automating your transactional communications with patients from the moment they book until their appointment time.
You can use Cliniq Apps default reminder model that includes 5 pre-appointment actions or design your own model within minutes and include as many pre-appointment actions as you need.
Automatically rebook cancellations and no shows
Automatically rebook cancellations and no shows
We have all the tools you need to automatically detect which patients have not rebooked and to efficiently communicate with them and get them back on their treatment plan
Communicating with patients that cancel or DNA and fail to reschedule has a direct and quantifiable impact on increasing the rebooking rate.
Automate communication and define your own protocols to automatically re-book patients and recover the loss generated by no shows, fill the gaps in your calendar and avoid losing the patient altogether.

Easily track your rebooking rate

Track the automation performance on how many patients rebooked after sending your messages and the revenue they generated.

See how many patients rebooked after receiving the communications
Clear message performance analysis such as open and click rate
See your booking analysis such as revenue and appointment value

Multiple communication channels and easy note-taking at your fingertips

Reach out to your no-show patients over sms and follow up with an email.
Use Task Manager to keep track of those who still haven't rebooked and take action based on your internal protocols.
Start optimising your calendar today to get the most out of your time